Worried About Earthquakes? Here’s How To Protect Your Household

Baja California was hit by a 7.2 magnitude earthquake Sunday, a tremor felt as far away as Yuma, Arizona.  It reminds us that natural disaster can strike anywhere, at anytime and we are particularly susceptible living in the San Francisco Bay Area.

You can’t stop Mother Nature, so your best defense is to be prepared.

A terrific resource for families in San Francisco and around the country is the Department of Homeland Security’s Ready.gov, a website aimed at family, business and community disaster readiness. This includes defense against physical attacks, and as well as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods.

The Ready.gov website contains tips, notes and checklists, including the 3-minute “It Takes Just Three Steps To Get Ready For An Emergency” video featured above.

If you’ve never watched it, do it now.  Then, test your home’s disaster readiness with this 10-question quiz.  There’s no “passing grade” on the test but, via your own answers, you’ll see where your home has room for readiness improvement.

Disasters are unpredictable and most of us will face them at least once in our lives. Be prepared in advance, therefore.  Protecting your household is simpler than you think.

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