Off topic…
Last week, I was out shopping with the masses with my youngest (in a stroller) when I realized my purse was gone- car keys, house & office keys, TREO with lockbox installed on it, a special code key I need to access the mls, money, identification, credit cards – a lot of important stuff in a small little bag.
STOLEN– while I pushed a toddler around the mall.
What a way to ruin a kid’s Christmas.
Security watched my car (for fear it would be stolen) while reports were filed. Locks were changed, credit cards canceled, cell phone suspended, my trip delayed etc. etc.
MERRY CHRISTMAS? I don’t think so. Haven’t I been a good girl this year?
Apparently, not as bad as I thought. I got a call late last night. It was the post office. They have my purse- it was discarded in a post office receptacle. Money most likely gone, but sounds like my identification and phone are still there.
How can you steal from a mom with a child three days before Christmas? Just curious.
And the silver lining– a Christmas without a cell phone, no email on my TREO (very hard for those of us used to checking our email every 3 minutes!). Pure dedicated family time. A little vacation from technology. It was a good thing. Money, credit cards, cell phones are helpful- but family is everything.
The Grinch may have stolen my purse but he didn’t steal my Christmas.