If you live in the Ross Valley, you should have received a ballot for the “annual storm drainage fee” for the Ross Valley Flood Protection and Watershed program. This “fee” would apply to homeowners in Flood Control District Zone 9 (Fairfax, Greenbrae, Kentfield, Larkspur, Ross and San Anselmo) . The fee will cover capital improvements to “repair and replace drainage infrastructure, enhance and establish drainage system and floodway maintenance programs” and provide habitat restoration projects.
Owners of condos are expected to pay around $30 per year, while owners of single family homes are expected to pay between $125-180 per year. The fee is capped out at $180 for residential and $6,000 per year for commercial. If there is a simple majority yes vote, the fee will take effect in 2008. If the fee is adopted, an annual hearing will take place to determine the fee for the following year. The is limited to a maximum of 3% per year and will end in 20 years.
So, is this tax good? This tax is critical to Ross Valley residents and Marin County. The economy of our community could be destroyed by a bad flood. Businesses and residences will be destroyed. Lives could be lost. Vital services could be damaged. The vitality of our local communities could disappear, causing home values to plummet. Schools could be closed for extended periods of time, impacting our children’s education. Residents who live in Flood Zone 9 whose homes have not flooded may not feel like they should have to pay the tax. My home is not in the path of potential floods but I believe my property contributes run off which is part of the problem. I believe everyone in the district should contribute to resolving improving flood protection for the area.
This program will preserve our community, its economy, residents, businesses and schools. Even if your specific home does not flood, you will still be impacted in some way.
For more information on the tax, visit: