Kentfield & Greenbrae- Get out and vote!

Support Measure A for Kentfield & Greenbrae SchoolsProtect your property values and Kentfield schools! Vote YES on Measure A!

Although I am sure you know by now that if we do not pass Measure A, our schools will lose approximately 25% of their annual budget (about $2.6 million), you may not be aware of how hard a measure like this is to pass. It takes 2/3rds of the total vote in order to pass a parcel assessment. In 1986, our schools lost the election by only 2 votes. In the more recent election in 2002, the measure passed by only 27 votes. With the elections consistently so close, EVERY VOTE COUNTS.

Why vote YES?

  1. Our schools depend on Measure A. Approximately 25% of the funding for Bacich and Kent comes from the existing parcel assessment (about $2.6 Million a year). If Measure A does not pass, Bacich and Kent will be forced to cut approximately 25% of their budgets, including teacher/staff layoffs and reductions in the arts, technology and language programs. Class sizes will dramatically increase.
  2. Measure A is NOT a new assessment. Measure A is a proposal by the Kentfield School District (“KSD”) for a continuation of the existing parcel assessment set to expire next year. Measure A continues the existing parcel assessment formula.
  3. Kentfield Schools are some of the best schools in the state and in the nation. Bacich and Kent are award winning schools, both having been recognized as “California Distinguished Schools” and both scoring in the top 3% in recent statewide testing. KSD continues to attract the best educators that consistently receive multiple teaching awards, grants and even California’s highest teaching honor, the California State Teacher of the Year Award. Forbes Magazine recently recognized Marin County as having the best schools in the nation for the money.
  4. Property values rely on the quality of our schools. Property values have continued to increase rather than suffer the fate of the recent real estate market downturn due in large part to our schools. People move to Marin County, and specifically to Greenbrae and Kentfield because of the quality of our schools. If the quality of the schools goes down, people will move to other neighborhoods in Marin with stronger school systems. This could have a dramatic impact on property values in Greenbrae and Kentfield.
  5. Senior Citizens can be exempted from the assessment. The Kentfield School District has provided for an exemption to Measure A for senior citizens. Exemption forms are available at the Kentfield School District office.

Need more info? Visit the Kentfield-Greenbrae Measure A website.