Helping the Marin Homeless

Marin Project Homeless ConnectDespite our affluent community, homelessness is still a problem in Marin County.  Project Homeless Connect is an initiative that was created by San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, in collaboration with the Department of Health, the Department of Human Services, other government agencies, the private sector and community non-profits and individuals.  The program helps the homeless with access to key services such as dental services, DMV IDs, Family Services and more.  This program has been brought to Marin and will be held for the fourth time on January 29.  You can help out by volunteering for Project Homeless Connect!

  • When: January 29, 2009
  • Where:  First Presbyterian Church- 1510 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael
  • Hours:     10 AM until 3PM (Doors close at 2PM)
  • Volunteer check-in: 8:45 am
  • How to volunteer:  Download complete volunteer information or contact Marin Link at 415-472-0211.