Kentfield Schools Need Our Help

As you may know, I am a board member at the Kentfield Schools Foundation.  I am sitting in a hotel in Chicago and got an email from a fellow board member directing me to a letter to the parents in the school district.  Even  if you do not have kids in the Kentfield School District, the budget cuts to the school to the school still impact you.  Part of the reason the property values in Kentfield and Greenbrae have not been hit as hard as other locations is because of our every very, very strong schools.

In May 2009, the average sales price in Greenbrae is down 18.4% over May of last year.  In Kentfield, it was down 12.6%.  In the same time period, home prices in neighboring San Anselmo were down 47.4%.

Families in our district pay a premium for homes to be in this fantastic and unique school district.  It is exactly why I purchased my home in Greenbrae when I was pregnant with my daughter.  The programs that make these schools strong are in jeopardy.  In a letter on the Kentfield School District’s website, Kentfield Schools Foundation President Marita Daly says this:

The weak economy has created budget constraints beyond our District’s control. As enrollment continues to rise and funding shrinks, the enriched education we have provided for years is at risk. Our District has already made many budget cuts, which are listed on the District website. The Board of Trustees needs another $1.5 million in revenue to fund current programs that are integral to our schools and dear to our hearts. The state reduces its funding by the hour, so this number will certainly change.

We are asking that every family respond to make sure we are very clear about what you value, so that the Foundation may properly represent you. The future of our schools lies in our hands.

If you would like to make a donation to minimize the impact of these budget cuts on our schools and our community, you may make your donation here.