Beauty by the Bay- Marin County Open Spaces

Beauty by the Bay? It never ceases to amaze me how beautiful Marin is. Now, once again, this may come back to my Arizona roots. Some people claim the desert is pretty, but truly- how does dirt and cactus compare to Marin County? (ok, ok, Arizona sunsets are pretty spectacular!)

I was recently reading about Marin County Open Space. Marin has more than 16,000 acres of designated open space- providing countless places to bike, hike and explore. The Marin County Open Space District website provides a peek at the 33 open space preserves in Marin. If those pictures don’t make you want to get outside, I don’t know what will!

On Mother’s Day, we will be taking in the natural beauty as we hike up Mt. Tamalpais for the Mother’s Day pancake breakfast at the West Point Inn. This is an easy hike we will be doing with the kids. I plan to bring some pictures to share. West Point Inn is on the upper south slope of Mt. Tam. It has panoramic views of the San Francisco Bay Area including the Golden Gate bridge, the East bay, and the Pacific Ocean.

By the way, forecasted Mother’s Day temperatures are:

  • Phoenix- 97 degrees
  • Mill Valley- 75 degrees (pure bliss!)