Did you know Marin County, California has the one of the highest breast cancer rates in the country? Despite a fear for the future, I never felt an immediate worry until last year. Not close to 40, no need for a mammogram, right? Well, wrong. Really, really WRONG.
Last November, I got some news I never would have expected. One of my nearest and dearest friends, Andrea has breast cancer. It is not possible, I thought. How could Andrea possibly have breast cancer? She is not old enough. Well, her cancer didn’t seem to care about her age.
Unfortunately, when you are younger, breast cancer cancer isn’t something you really think about, so early detection doesn’t always happen. By the time Andrea was diagnosed, the lump in her breast had been growing for many, many months. Andrea immediately began grueling treatments- radiation, chemotherapy and a partial removal of her breast. Thankfully, she successfully finished her last round of chemo in the early summer. The process was a nightmare. I would love to have Andrea tell you the whole story. Unfortunately while fighting for her life, Andrea also had to fight doctors in order to get the correct treatment she needed. Aren’t they supposed to be on your side?
Despite her tremendous ordeal, Andrea maintained her amazing sense of humor. I think she decided before she even finished her treatments that she would be walking in the 3 day race for the cure in Phoenix, Arizona this November. After everything she went through, she is determined to help others. Always looking for the humorous side of things, Andrea named her team “The Hooter Helpers” with the motto- “Save the Hooters, Save the World”.
October is a Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Be aware- breast cancer doesn’t care how old you are. Please schedule a mammogram.