Marin County Parenting Resources for Moms & Dads

Ideas, tips and resources for mommies on the go!

I just stumbled across a blog that I find very interesting and informative. It is a great resource for Marin moms & dads looking for parenting tips, places to go and sort of everything mom. It features areas for both moms and dads. Check it out-!

Marin Neighborhoods- San Anselmo Part 1

San Anselmo

San Anselmo is one of my favorite Marin towns. The pretty town sits in the Ross Valley and is bordered by undeveloped ridges and hillsides. The town center is on San Anselmo Avenue, off Sir Francis Drake Boulevard.

San Anselmo still feels like a small town. People know their neighbors, children are welcome everywhere. The downtown area was virtually destroyed on December 31, 2005 when raging floods put the entire downtown under water. You can still seem some visual damage from the flood, but the town bounced back rapidly due to tremendous support from both residents and businesses of the town. The strength of the community in San Anselmo was evident after the floods.

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Marin County Considers Kentfield Housing Proposal

The County Planning Commission will be holding hearings in the next few weeks to adopt a new countywide plan that proposes up to 270 new units of housing in Kentfield, at the site of Marin General Hospital and College of Marin.

The goal of the plan is to increase low income housing in Marin- something desperately needed. Unfortunately, the current proposal has some serious drawbacks that need to be addressed.

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Corte Madera and Larkspur Potential Kidnapping Attempts

Marin County- Corte Madera and Larkspur Attempted Kidnapping Alert

I generally feel very safe living in Marin County. We don’t hear a lot about violent crimes, despite living within close proximity to San Quentin. Yesterday, I was notified about two seemingly separate suspicious contacts (potential kidnappings?) with young children in Larkspur and in Corte Madera. I posted a copy of one of the notices. (click on the picture to view it larger) In Larkspur, a stranger asked an eleven year old girl to enter their vehicle. In the second instant, a seven year old girl was approached outside her home in West Corte Madera.  Police are not calling them attempted kidnappings at this point.

These are very scary circumstances. It is so easy to get complacent. The area we live in feels like a small, close knit community. We try and watch out for each other. The mothers’ club online boards frequently post stories about nannies and babysitters who shouldn’t be trusted. These mothers’ clubs have eagle eyes and they spread the word. Thankfully, they spread the word about these frightening circumstances. Southern Marin Mothers Club & Ross Valley Mothers Club– it might be time to get together and do a Stranger Safety night. It is always a worthwhile topic!

How do we protect our kids without scaring them? According to kidpower, you use matter of fact language, not fear based language.

Remember the old term, “stranger danger“? Forget it! Call it stranger safety. Bad touches? NO- unwanted touches and attention.

UGGH! I don’t want to have this discussion with my kids. It is not fun. I wish I can stick my head in the sand and everything would be ok- but that is not the answer. Teaching our children to say NO when circumstances feel wrong or uncomfortable is the answer.

The National Children’s Advocacy Center has some good tips to keep your kids safe.

Educate yourself, educate your kids. Be a community watchdog and report strange behavior to police, or the school, your friends or that mothers’ club board. Find that right place to talk about it.

Thanks for looking out for my kids. I will be on the watch for yours too!

Beauty by the Bay- Marin County Open Spaces

Beauty by the Bay? It never ceases to amaze me how beautiful Marin is. Now, once again, this may come back to my Arizona roots. Some people claim the desert is pretty, but truly- how does dirt and cactus compare to Marin County? (ok, ok, Arizona sunsets are pretty spectacular!)

I was recently reading about Marin County Open Space. Marin has more than 16,000 acres of designated open space- providing countless places to bike, hike and explore. The Marin County Open Space District website provides a peek at the 33 open space preserves in Marin. If those pictures don’t make you want to get outside, I don’t know what will!

On Mother’s Day, we will be taking in the natural beauty as we hike up Mt. Tamalpais for the Mother’s Day pancake breakfast at the West Point Inn. This is an easy hike we will be doing with the kids. I plan to bring some pictures to share. West Point Inn is on the upper south slope of Mt. Tam. It has panoramic views of the San Francisco Bay Area including the Golden Gate bridge, the East bay, and the Pacific Ocean.

By the way, forecasted Mother’s Day temperatures are:

  • Phoenix- 97 degrees
  • Mill Valley- 75 degrees (pure bliss!)

Heat Wave!

Eating Ice Cream in Marin CountyEverywhere you go today, people are talking about the heat. Aren’t you hot? It’s a good day for an ice cream..let’s meet at the pool!

I feel so spoiled living in a place where 89 degree weather is considered record breaking. I was born and raised in Arizona, so 89 degrees was fall and spring weather. With summer temperatures regularly above 110 degrees, the weather was opressive. You don’t even go to the pool in 110 degree weather- the pool is too hot!

Forecasters predict Marin County daytime temperatures will drop back down into the seventies later this week- just in time for Mother’s Day. Fabulous- the perfect temperature for a spoiled Marin resident like myself.

Why do people live in a community where a starter home can cost more than a million dollars? Weather. 70 degree weather through a good portion of the year. 89 degree temperatures considered record breaking. That is my reason for living here! Mild temperatures allow outdoor activities all year round. Ok, it might also be for the breathtaking views. And also the proximity to water, mountains, rivers, wineries, sking, boating, kayaking, wind surfing.

Oh yeah, and the easy commute to San Francisco and all that it has to offer- culture, restaurants, the San Francisco Giants. And don’t forget the schools.

Even for a transplant from Arizona, this 89 degree weather is too hot. I guess it is time to head to the pool.