Almost every home seller I meet thinks their property is special, and will sell quicker than other homes that are out there on the market. Their home is special- to them, but what they think is especially GOOD may be considered especially BAD to a potential home buyer.
What are the top reasons homes in Marin don’t sell?
The home is over priced. If the market data is telling you to price your home at one price, and you have said those famous last words, “yes, but my home is special”, well, you might need to rethink this thought process. The biggest reason Marin homes don’t sell is PRICE.
Insufficient property preparation and presentation. Unless you plan to price your home at a rock bottom price, property presentation is crucial to the sale of a home. Preparing a property to sell includes a number of very important factors including:
- General maintenance – paint, functioning appliances, no leaks, etc.
- Landscaping – nice curb appeal is crucial to get potential home buyers in the door. If it doesn’t look good from the exterior- the majority of home buyers will never get out of the car. Good exterior spaces can sell a home.
- Interior staging- whether you stage it yourself or a hire a professional stager, staging can sell a home. Professional stagers are experts at taking awkward spaces and making them functional and beautiful. The majority of home buyers don’t live their life like you. Or at least they don’t think they do. Home buyers don’t have vision on how to make your space into their dream home. Professional stagers can help create that vision for them.
Poor marketing. A solid marketing strategy is crucial to the sale of your home. If home buyers can’t find your home, how are they going to buy it? Once a home is properly prepared, it can be marketed. The first step to a good marketing plan is professional photographs. Unless your agent is a professional photographer by night, they probably don’t have photographs that will WOW a buyer. With lots of other homes on the market, satisfactory photos are not enough- you need WOW.  Think WOW NOW, not WOW later. If you rush to get your home on the market and don’t take the time to properly prepare and market your home, you may miss your window of opportunity. The initial launch of the sale of your home is absolutely crucial. Home buyers searching online may look at your home once, but once they dismiss it, is unlikely they will ever return to view it again. WOW NOW, not WOW later (this includes price too!). It constantly amazes, shocks and horrifies me how many homes are marketed with poor photographs or even no photographs. Seriously, letting your home go online without photographs for even 2 hours is like breaking your own leg the night before a big race. Buyers won’t come back. Period.
Once you have great photographs, your home should be canvased across the web. Whether I am searching for your property address or parameters like a 3 bedroom, 2 bath home in Tiburon, I should be able to find your home online. Putting the property in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is not enough. The majority of home buyers are out there searching online themselves- constantly. They aren’t waiting for their agent to pull it up on the MLS. Marketing a home online takes skill, hire an expert who doesn’t just feed it to the MLS.
Price+Preparation+Proper Marketing=Offer
Homes are taking longer to sell in today’s market.  Even if all of the above factors are properly done, homes will take longer to sell than a year ago. Get regular market updates from your agent. Watch the average days on market for homes similar to yours in similar locations. If you aren’t selling, something in the above formula is missing.