What Marin cities are hot in the real estate market

Single Family homes under contract in Marin County

April 2008 vs. April 2007

Belvedere +200%
Corte Madera +8%
Fairfax -38%
Greenbrae +25%
Kentfield +40%
Larkspur -75%
Mill Valley -36%
Novato -20%
Ross -50%
San Anselmo -12%
San Rafael +7%
Sausalito +17%
Tiburon +85%


Countywide, the number of Marin homes for sale was up almost 16% from last April. The number of homes under contract was down about 13% while the number of units sold is down about 31%.

While the number of homes sold in April 2008 vs April 2007 is dismal, the glimmer of hope is in the units under contract. We have gradually seen this number get closer to 2007 numbers for many Marin cities, indicating next month’s sold number may be even better.

Roadblock to home ownership

  MarinHomeStarting to think about buying a house in beautiful Marin?  You probably start your search on the internet.  You start looking at what homes are selling for, doing your initial research to see what you can afford, you might even call a realtor.

You aren’t really ready to look seriously for a home, just doing a little initial research and then you see it- your perfect dream home.   It is “the one” and you HAVE to have it.  You call your favorite Marin county realtor and say Ginger, “I want to put an offer on that home.”

“Great Joe,” I say, “did you call the mortgage broker I referred you to and get pre-approved?” 



“Joe, are you there?” roadblock

A year ago, you could almost get an approval in a hour or so.  It wasn’t a good one, but nobody really cared.  Right now, pre-approvals are taking about two weeks for Marin home buyers.  Why so long?  Well, there are a lot fewer places where you can go to get a jumbo loan in California, and even fewer lenders with reasonable rates. 

What we have here is called a roadblock.   

Fewer lenders available = a serious back log of buyers all going down the same single lane.  The road isn’t closed, but traffic is pretty slow.  The mortgage brokers I work with say it takes about two weeks for a pre-approval and suggest 60 days for a close of escrow. 

I have a secret for you.  (There is a way around the roadblock!)  Listen close…

Get pre-approved BEFORE you find your perfect Marin County dream home!

Get money back from your landscaping project

irrigation You might have seen an article in your latest water bill from the Marin Municipal Water District about Bay-Friendly Landscaping.  To make it easier for Marin Municipal Water District customers to adopt bay friendly gardening practices, the district is introducing a new rebate program on efficient irrigation equipment and supplies.

If you’re planning an irrigation project this spring (or even if you’ve done one since March 1, 2007), you probably can claim a rebate of up to $350! 

If you live in Novato, they have a different program available

Happy Landscaping!

A bright light for Marin County home sales

Marin County Home Sales, April 2008

This chart makes me happy.  It shows the real estate stats for Marin County single family homes for April 2008.  The number of homes for sale increased 11.24% over last year.  The number of Marin homes actually closing escrow is down almost 40% from last year. 

I know, I  know.  This number sounds TERRIBLE.  Where is the good news Ginger?  The bright light is that the number of Marin homes under contract is only 6% less than the number for April 2007.  Perhaps by the time that May closed sales are reported, those homes under contract will convert to CLOSED Marin County home sales!

A bright light for sure…

Buyers beware- stop talking about that house!

Silenced my money Buying your new Marin home can be very exciting.  You find a house your really like and you want to tell everyone you know about it.  Do yourself a favor and wait until you get into contract.  We know you want to get the advice of everyone you know… is it a good deal?  Do you know their situation?  What do you think of the house?  Why are they moving?  Well, this can have potential pitfalls in a small community like Marin.

Last week, one of my buyers saw a house they liked in Mill Valley.  They told some friends.  How many, I don’t know.  But two of those friends asked me if my client was writing an offer.  People other than my client were telling me what my client thought.  YIKES.  The thing is, you could be generating inflated interest in house.  If you want it, someone else might just decide they like it too.  Everything looks better when someone else wants it.

If two people actually mentioned it to me, how many other people know about it? By gabbing about it, you may also unintentionally damage your negotiating power.  What if the seller of your dream home hears from a friend about what you are saying?  Without even realizing it, you may have provided them with a good understanding of your negotiating position.  She loves the house SO much, she has told so many people about it, they must be willing to pay full price.

Zip it, until negotiations are complete!  Better yet, zip it until you close escrow.

Opening Day on the Bay


Sunday, April 27, 2008  is Opening Day on the Bay.  Opening Day on the Bay is the official start of the sailing season and is always the last Sunday in April.  More than 150 boats generally take part in the boat parade, which starts at noon near Chrissy Field and generally finishes around 2 pm at Pier 39.  The parade is sponsored by the Pacific Inter-Club Yacht Association and has been around since 1917.  This year’s theme is “Mother Goose and Friends”.

If you can’t be out on the Bay, downtown Tiburon and Sausalito are sure to be buzzing with activity as people converge on the two towns to watch the sights.  If you are looking to dine downtown, I would highly recommend you make a reservation (If you still can!).

Where to go:

Marin real estate market ripe with opportunity

According to a MarketWatch article, wealthy Americans see the sluggish economy as a great opportunity to purchase real estate.  The full article, Sunny Side of the Street, is well worth a read.  Some highlights:

  • 77% of wealthy (defined as people earning more than $500,000/year in discretionary income) think real estate presents a buying opportunity right now.  Yes, you can finally find a “deal”! 
  • 40% of those people are expected to purchase real estate in 2008.
  • 41% of the wealthy think owning a second home is a “requirement” for people of their economic means
  • The number of millionaires is expected to increase by 6% this year

I think those surveyed are wealthy and wise.  Even in Marin, you can actually find “a deal”.  I know buyers who have been looking for “a deal” for years.  What are you waiting for now?

Have a ball at the black & white ball…

The Black & White Ball is back!  On Saturday, May 31, 2008, the San Francisco Symphony will kick off summer with the 2008 Black & White Ball.  The event will be concentrated on the west side of Van Ness Avenue in the historic War Memorial Arts Complex and will feature fabulous live music, dancing, flowing cocktails and delicious food.

There are five different ways to attend the Ball, including three VIP dinners.  I will be starting my evening at the Patrons’ Dinner at the Grove Street Pavilion  before heading over to Davies Symphony Hall for the headline concert- Grammy-winning pop vocalist Seal.

After the headline performance, I plan to dance the night away listening to many fabulous bands including Blues Traveler, The Sun Kings, and many more.  From jazz to country, to hip hop to a Beatles cover band- it will have it all!  More than a dozen bands will be performing.

Dinner packages are expected to sell out early, so buy your tickets soon!

  • What: Black & White Ball
  • When:  Saturday, May 31, 2008
  • Where:  San Francisco Civic Center
  • Why:  Proceeds from the Ball benefit the Symphony’s Adventures in Music (AIM) Program, which brings music into the lives of every student in grades 1-5 in the SF Unified School District.
  • Black & White Ball tickets and more information

Buyer confidence challenged in Marin

I am a little late for March Marin real estate closed stats, but here they are!    The median price for Marin single family homes was $922,500- down slightly from February’s median price of $935,000.  The average days on the market for single family residences in Marin County dropped to 69 in March from 86 in February.

The number of Marin home listings has increased by 17% over last month.  The number of listings has also increased by 5% over last year.  While the number of listings increased, the number of Marin homes sold and also homes going under contract is still down substantially from March 2007.

  March 2007 March 2008 ∆ % ∆
For Sale 919 989 70 7.62
Under Contract 231 149 -82 -35.50
Sold 173 102 -71 -41.04


Buyer confidence remains low.  In his recent Goldman Report, Pacific Union President and CEO Avram Goldman says,

We don’t have a real estate problem here—we have a financial and consumer confidence challenge.  Whether the economy is in a recession is not the question. Most consumers today believe we are in one. That is why consumer confidence is at its lowest point since the early 80’s. Add that to the continuing liquidity issues in the banking community and you have little, if any growth.

Buyers want and need to buy. The concern is when will the economy bottom out. Until they feel that it is, there will be a reluctance to move forward.

Home buyers are nervous and their lack of confidence is obvious looking at the 35% reduction in homes going under contract over last year. 

Poor marketing comment of the week..

Sometimes we see real estate comments that just make us shake our heads.  I just ran across this:

“Please bring your buyers to see this great home. It will not last long on the market”. 

Oh my, I better tell my buyers “Don’t walk, RUN.”  This won’t last!  But wait….


Days on the market…163.  I guess my buyers can crawl there.  I am sure it is a perfectly fine house, but perhaps it is time to update the advertising?