October 3, 2007 is International Walk & Roll to School Day! Children and adults around the globe will be walking & biking to school.
- Reduce traffic
- Get some physical activity
- Create less pollution
Teams of parents & students will have staging areas where students who live far from school can meet to join neighborhood children as they form “walking school buses” and “bike trains” to school. Check with your school to find out the location of the staging area closest to your house. According to Safe Routes to schools, the following schools have events planned for Walk & Roll:
- Fairfax: Manor and St. Rita’s
- Mill Valley: Edna Maguire, Tam Valley, Old Mill, MV Middle, Mt. Tam and Marin Horizon
- San Rafael: Vallecito, Dixie, Mary Silveira, Miller Creek, Gallinas, Glenwood, and Bahia Vista
- San Anselmo: Brookside Schools and Wade Thomas
- Tiburon: Bel Aire and Reed
- Ross: Ross School
- Corte Madera: Neil Cummins School
- Larkspur St. Patrick’s
- Kentfield: Bacich, and Kent Middle School
- West Marin: Bolinas/Stinson and Lagunitas
- Novato: Pleasant Valley, Rancho and Hill Middle School
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