The median home sale price in Novato was $637,000 in January 2008. The number of Novato homes on the market increased just over 21% from one year ago. The number of homes going in to contract increased 8%, a positive sign for Novato. The number of homes sold decreased by 6 units or 33.33%.
The average days on the market in Novato was 92, up slightly from 88 days in January 2007.
Novato Homes |
Jan 2007 | Jan 2008 |
∆ |
% ∆ |
For Sale | 193 | 234 | 41 | 21.24 |
Under Contract | 25 | 27 | 2 | 8.00 |
Sold | 18 | 12 | -6 | -33.33 |
*Single family homes only