Remembering 911

It is hard to believe it has been seven years since the United States was brutally attacked and two airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center.   I can remember very clearly where I was at that time, as I am sure most of you can.  I had a brand new baby in my arms.  I was basking in the glow of motherhood when I got the terrible call to turn on the news.

My good friend, Jay Thompson, felt like people were starting to forget. He went on a search for a spreadsheet or text file with all of the victims names listed. He couldn’t find what he was looking for, so in true Jay style, be created his own excel spreadsheet listing all of the victims of the 911 attack.

The list of victims of the 911 attack is four columns wide and 754 rows long.  

It brought me chills to read through the list.  The magnitude of loss on that day is staggering.

The youtube video below is a reminder of what I experienced on the morning of 911.  I watched the events on television.  I wasn’t in New York, and I didn’t lose a loved one or close personal friend.  I did lose a “sister” so to speak.  One of my fellow Junior League of San Francisco members, Melissa Harrington Hughes, was in the World Trade Center and lost her life that day.

Regardless of how close or how removed we may have been, I think it is important that we never forget.  My thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of all those people who lost their lives.

Hug your own loved ones today.