Spare the Air in Marin

Leaves falling and the crisp evening air makes me want to light a fire in my fireplace.  There is nothing better than cuddling up next to a crackling fire, but unfortunately,  it is not always great for our air quality.

Courtesy of Steve Paluch

Courtesy of Steve Paluch

The Winter Spare the Air season runs through February 28, 2010. During this period, it is illegal to burn wood, pellets, or manufactured fire logs when a Winter Spare the Air Alert is issued.

How do you know?   You can get Winter Spare the Air Alerts at 1-877-4NO-BURN (1-877-466-2876).  Residents and businesses can also call this phone number to report wood smoke concerns in their area.

Sign up for automatic alerts via e-mail AirAlerts and automatic Phone Alerts.

Check before you burn.  The first violation you will receive a warning letter.  The second time around you could get fined $400.   Marin County tied Contra Costa County with the highest number of warning letters last year, don’t be one of them!